At Back In Care Chiropractic, it’s important to us that our patients know how much we appreciate them placing their trust in us. We feel it’s a privilege to care for our community’s health! Did you know we recently held a Patient Appreciation Day at our Melbourne chiropractic practice and Ivanhoe location to show you how much you mean to us?
We Love Our Patients!
The Back In Care Chiropractic Patient Appreciation Day is our way of recognising how important each individual patient is to our entire team. We want to thank you for allowing us to provide you with natural, effective health care. All of our patients are welcome to attend these events. We also encourage you to bring a family member or friend who might be interested in finding out more about us!
Eat, Drink and Socialise
We provide food and drinks for you, and you can stop by anytime. It’s a fun way to socialise with our team and to have a chat with other patients. You’ll share stories and meet new people. Our patients love coming in on
Patient Appreciation Day!
Look for signs up in the practice announcing the next event that will allow us to show how much we appreciate you!
Contact us to find out more about events with our Melbourne chiropractor at our CBD and Ivanhoe practices.